DStruct and www.dstruct.org are still under construction. An 'Alpha' has now been released.

What is DStruct PHP Framework?

DStruct is a light weight, easy to use framwork for PHP 5.3+. which can give you a head-start when you want to develop Object Oriented programs in PHP. DStruct is easy to learn, easy to get started with and flexible. It tries to impose itself on you as little as possible and you can 'drop in and out' of it as you wish, incorporate code from other frameworks such as Zend etc. It doesn't force you to use any paradigms such as MVC or REST if you don't want to.

DStruct has many advantages, but some of the main ones are:

  • UTF-8 by default (including communication with your database)
  • Uses PDO prepared statements for portability and security
  • Lazy loading of database connections
  • Simple class collections... just iterate using foreach
  • Tracks objects in your script to prevent bugs created by multiple instances
  • Central configuration
  • Wraps some complex parts of PHP such as file uploading and SMTP email to make it easier

DStruct is open sourced under the Apache license. You can even use it in your own commercial products, change it and release it yourself etc. For more details, go here.

A fuller list of features, requirements and more can be found in the FAQ.


  • 13/05/2013 - Version Alpha 0.1.1 released. Bug fixes.
  • 06/04/2013 - Initial Alpha 0.1.0 released.